About Us

A Locally Minded, HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency

At Housing Opportunities, we're committed to building stronger communities through a diverse range of housing services, guided by our dedicated board of directors. Our team offers personalized housing counseling, affordable rentals, and innovative housing projects tailored to the unique needs of our community. The board's expertise and passion drive our mission to empower residents by focusing on financial education, homeownership guidance, and sustainable development. Together, we create a brighter future for all, fostering vibrant and thriving neighborhoods.

Housing Opportunities Over Time


Began Services

Housing Opportunities of Beaver County Inc. was established in 1993 as part of a network of housing counselors that spanned across Western Pennsylvania. We have since changed our name to Housing Opportunities Inc.


We've Got Spirit!

Presented the Spirit of Caring Award for Innovative Programming and Excelling in our Mission by Beaver County Human Services Forum


Opens Lawrence County Office

Continuing our commitment to the areas we serve, a long awaited project came to fruition: an office in the heart of New Castle to better serve all of our clients in Lawrence County!


Named New Director

Succeeding the amazing Janine Kennedy, Zabriawn Smith was chosen by the board to help continue her work leading Housing Opportunities into greater capacity.

August 31, 2022

Dynegy Donation

Energy company Dynegy presents a donation at the Housing Opportunities Beaver office. The $20,000 comes in the form of a grant that will help assist the Hardship Program that Housing Opportunities facilitates in Beaver County.