
Housing Opportunities is a HUD certified housing counseling agency helping low and moderate income families buy and keep their own homes in Beaver and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. All services are free!

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Mission Statement

Our mission is to improve housing trends in Beaver, Lawrence, & Mercer County.

Our organization is dedicated to providing personalized financial counseling to low/moderate-income families, empowering them to achieve home ownership. We not only assist in acquiring homes, but also develop new properties and rehabilitate blighted and vacant ones to maintain sustainable ownership and revitalize declining neighborhoods. Partnerships with financial institutions and foundations play a vital role in our work, as they enable us to create a more inclusive, thriving community. By joining forces, we can transform lives and bring about positive change in Southwestern PA through property development, financial education, and support for families in need of affordable housing opportunities.

Let's Connect

Attend our Workshops

Periodic workshops on a variety of topics are upcoming. Click the link below to learn more.

1:1 Financial Counseling

At the core of our organization is financial counseling. Schedule an appointment to come speak with us today.