Welcome to Housing Opportunities Inc!

We are a HUD certified housing services provider helping low and moderate income families buy and keep their own homes in Beaver, Lawrence and Mercer County, Pennsylvania. All services are free!

Email: info@housingopps.org
(724) 728-7511
Fax: (724) 728-7202

Contact a Housing Counselor

Closing Cost Assistance Grant

Our client signs for the first-ever Location-Based Closing Cost Assistance Grant!

To promote homeownership in neighborhoods traditionally dominated by rental properties, we designed a flexible closing-cost assistance grant specifically for homes located within HUD Qualified Census Tracts. This innovative program has already gained valuable support from our partners at the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA).

This moment marks a significant step forward in making homeownership achievable and affordable for more families in our community.

Contact a Housing Counselor

Our mission is to improve housing trends in Beaver, Lawrence, & Mercer County.

Our organization is dedicated to providing personalized financial counseling to low/moderate-income families, empowering them to achieve home ownership. We not only assist in acquiring homes, but also develop new properties and rehabilitate blighted and vacant ones to maintain sustainable ownership and revitalize declining neighborhoods. Partnerships with financial institutions and foundations play a vital role in our work, as they enable us to create a more inclusive, thriving community. By joining forces, we can transform lives and bring about positive change in Southwestern PA through property development, financial education, and support for families in need of affordable housing opportunities.

  • First-Time Homebuyers:
    Facilitating the transition from renting to homeownership.

    Transitional Housing:
    Supporting those at risk of homelessness or fleeing difficult living conditions, utilizing our available property inventory.

    Post Purchase Counseling:
    Guidance for homeowners on how to financially and physically maintain their homes with regular workshops.

    Homebuyer Assistance:
    Collaborating with partner lenders and HUD for income-based grants for first-time homebuyers.

  • Outreach and Advertising:
    Working with financial institutions and mortgage companies to develop innovative strategies for positive client outcomes.

    Pre-Purchase Counseling:
    Offering financial planning and support for potential homeowners.

    Rental Counseling:
    Providing rental assistance mini-grants and guidance for potential tenants.

    Community Workshops:
    Hosting sessions and workshops on housing and financial topics.

Affordable Housing Development

As part of our ongoing effort to increase capacity and effectiveness at our mission of stabilizing the housing market in the areas we serve, Housing Opportunities has become an affordable housing developer. Here is a picture of our first home, which was a duplex converted into a single family home and sold to a local buyer who will be walking into the home with equity and was also able to receive an income based closing cost assistance grant from us. Pictured here is the internal finishing crew, consisting of even our Executive Director and Housing Counselor, who worked tirelessly to complete the home for sale.

Contact a Housing Counselor

Meet our Team of Passionate Professionals

Zabriawn Smith
Executive Director

Daniel Bernabie
Housing Counselor

Taylor Balcer
Office Manager

Johnathan Wright
Housing Coordinator

Andrusa Lawson
Housing Counselor

Get in touch today!

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